All publicly available Teleflora Coupons, Deals, Amex / Chase / BoA (Bank of America) / Citi / Paypal / US Bank Offers

View all credit card merchant offers, deals, coupons, and discounts for Teleflora from banks. Amex Offers, Chase Offers, BoA Offers BankAmeriDeals, Citi Merchant Offers, Paypal Offers, US Bank Cashback Deals.
Merchant Title Description Exp Bank
Spend $15 or more, get $15 back, up to 10 times (total of $150). N/A Sep 18, 2024 Amex
Spend $30 or more, get $12 back, up to 10 times (total of $120). Get a $12 statement credit by using your enrolled eligible Card to make a single purchase of $30 or more online at or by 10/31/2024. Limit of 10 statement credits (total of $120). See terms. Oct 30, 2024 Amex
Spend $15 or more, earn $15 back, up to 10 times (total of $150). Earn a $15 statement credit after using your enrolled eligible Card to make a single purchase of $15 or more online at or by 1/31/2025. Limit of 10 statement credits (total of $150). See terms. Jan 31, 2025 Amex
Spend $30 or more, get $12 back, up to 10 times (total of $120). N/A Dec 03, 2024 Amex
Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.
20% Discount.

Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.

Offer subject to merchant and program terms.

For Cash Back Online Shopping Offers: If a merchant processes your order in separate transactions, you'll only earn cash back value on the first transaction.

Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.

Flowers make the perfect gift for just about any occasion - like your best friend's birthday, your parents' anniversary, or just because! Celebrate accordingly with lovely bouquets and arrangements from Teleflora! Teleflora has a network of 10,000 local florists, offering only the season's freshest blooms. Browse their huge selection of florals - including roses, tulips, lilies, orchids, and more - and have an eye-catching arrangement delivered right to their door.

Must use link. This is not a cash back offer. Discount is automatically applied at checkout excluding shipping, taxes and fees. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

  • Payment must be made directly with the merchant.
  • Purchases made using digital wallets, order-ahead apps or delivery services may not qualify where the identity of the merchant is not passed to us as part of the transaction.
  • Please review all of the above terms for eligible locations, time and date restrictions.

Dec 04, 2024 BoA
15% cash back
Earn 15% cash back on your Teleflora purchase, with a $50 cash back maximum, including taxes and after any discounts.

At Teleflora, we're proud to have been connecting customers with the nation's best florists for more than 81 years. With a network of over 8,000 florists, Teleflora is committed to hand-making bouquets using the freshest flowers available. Teleflora lets you send flowers and gifts with confidence. And since every arrangement is personally delivered, same-day delivery is available on almost every order.

Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offer valid one time only. Offer only valid on purchases made directly with the merchant. Offer valid online only. Offer not valid on purchases made using third-party services, delivery services, or a third-party payment account (e.g., buy now pay later). Offer only valid on U.S. purchases. Payment must be made on or before 12/31/2024.
Dec 31, 2024 Chase
Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.
20% Discount.

Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.

Offer subject to merchant and program terms.

For Cash Back Online Shopping Offers: If a merchant processes your order in separate transactions, you'll only earn cash back value on the first transaction.

Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.

Flowers make the perfect gift for just about any occasion - like your best friend's birthday, your parents' anniversary, or just because! Celebrate accordingly with lovely bouquets and arrangements from Teleflora! Teleflora has a network of 10,000 local florists, offering only the season's freshest blooms. Browse their huge selection of florals - including roses, tulips, lilies, orchids, and more - and have an eye-catching arrangement delivered right to their door.

Must use link. This is not a cash back offer. Discount is automatically applied at checkout excluding shipping, taxes and fees. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

  • Payment must be made directly with the merchant.
  • Purchases made using digital wallets, order-ahead apps or delivery services may not qualify where the identity of the merchant is not passed to us as part of the transaction.
  • Please review all of the above terms for eligible locations, time and date restrictions.

Dec 27, 2024 BoA
Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.
20% Discount.

Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.

Offer subject to merchant and program terms.

For Cash Back Online Shopping Offers: If a merchant processes your order in separate transactions, you'll only earn cash back value on the first transaction.

Get 20% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.

Flowers make the perfect gift for just about any occasion - like your best friend's birthday, your parents' anniversary, or just because! Celebrate accordingly with lovely bouquets and arrangements from Teleflora! Teleflora has a network of 10,000 local florists, offering only the season's freshest blooms. Browse their huge selection of florals - including roses, tulips, lilies, orchids, and more - and have an eye-catching arrangement delivered right to their door.

Must use link. This is not a cash back offer. Discount is automatically applied at checkout excluding shipping, taxes and fees. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

  • Payment must be made directly with the merchant.
  • Purchases made using digital wallets, order-ahead apps or delivery services may not qualify where the identity of the merchant is not passed to us as part of the transaction.
  • Please review all of the above terms for eligible locations, time and date restrictions.

Jan 08, 2025 BoA
Get 25% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available
25% Discount.

Get 25% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available

Offer subject to merchant and program terms.

For Cash Back Online Shopping Offers: If a merchant processes your order in separate transactions, you'll only earn cash back value on the first transaction.

Get 25% off Teleflora flowers site wide! Same day delivery available.

Flowers make the perfect gift for just about any occasion — like your best friend’s birthday, your parents’ anniversary, or just because! Celebrate accordingly with lovely bouquets and arrangements from Teleflora! Teleflora has a network of 10,000 local florists, offering only the season's freshest blooms. Browse their huge selection of florals — including roses, tulips, lilies, orchids, and more — and have an eye-catching arrangement delivered right to their door.

Click Here

Must use link. This is not a cash back offer. Discount is automatically applied at checkout excluding shipping, taxes and fees. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

  • Payment must be made directly with the merchant.
  • Purchases made using digital wallets, order-ahead apps or delivery services may not qualify where the identity of the merchant is not passed to us as part of the transaction.
  • Please review all of the above terms for eligible locations, time and date restrictions.

Feb 14, 2025 BoA
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