Earn 30% cash back on your first TaxAct purchase! at TaxAct. This offer is available through BoA Offers and expires on Apr 30, 2025.
Earn 30% cash back on your first TaxAct purchase!
Offer subject to merchant and program terms.
For Cash Back Online Shopping Offers: If a merchant processes your order in separate transactions, you'll only earn cash back value on the first transaction.
Earn 30% cash back on your first TaxAct purchase!
Filing your taxes doesn’t have to be complicated. TaxAct's easy-to-use software makes filing simple. Plus, they guarantee you’ll get your maximum tax refund when using TaxAct calculations that are 100% accurate, backed by our $100,000 Accuracy Guarantee. Read more about terms and conditions of the TaxAct Maximum Refund and $100K Accuracy Guarantees here.
Offer valid one time per tax year through April 30, 2025. Purchase must be made directly with merchant. Offer not valid on TaxAct Professional products. Payment must be made on or before offer expiration date. $60 cash back maximum. This offer is linked to your eligible Bank of America business debit or credit card and you must use that card(s) for this purchase.
To redeem this offer, simply use your eligible BoA card at TaxAct. The credit will be applied to your account automatically.