15% cash back |
EarnEarn 15% cash back, up toto a $40 statementsta(ɪ)tement credit whenwhen youyou purchasepurchase at Vestiaire CollectiveCollective, includingincluding taxes and afterafter anyany discountsdiscounts. Vestiaire CollectiveCollective is the leadingleading globalglo*bal platformplatform forfor pre-lovedpre-loved luxuryluxury fashion. The company'scompany's missionmissʜion is toto transformtransform the fashion industryindustry forfor a moremore sustainablesustainabəle futurefyuture, promotingpromo*ting the circularcircyular fashion movementmovement as an alternativealternative toto overproductiono*verproduction, overconsumptiono*verconsumption and the wastefulwa(ɪ)steful practices of the industryindustry. Driven byb*y the philosophyphilosophy "Think FirstFirst, Buy SecondSecond" Vestiaire CollectiveCollective offersoffers a trusted spacespa(ɪ)ce forfor its communitycommyunity toto prolongpro*long the lifel*ife of its most-lovedmo*st-loved fashion piecespieces. The platform'splatform's innovativeinnova(ɪ)tive featuresfeatures simplifysimplif*y the sellingselling and buyingbuying processprocess and givegive its membersmembers access toto one-of-a-kindwone-of-a-k*ind wardrobeswardro*bes aroundaround the worldworld. The companycompany boastsbo*asts a curated catalogcatalog of fivef*ive millionmilliyon rarerare and highlyh*ighly desirabledes*iɜrabəle items*items. Founded in Paris in 2009, Vestiaire CollectiveCollective is a CertifiedCertif*ied BBI CorporationCorpora(ɪ)tion® and is activeactive in 70 countriescountries worldwideworldw*ide. ToTo learnlearn moremore, downloaddownlo*ad the app, visit vestiairecollective.comcom and followfollow @vestiaireco onon Instagram.OfferOffer valid onewone timet*ime onlyo*nly. OfferOffer valid onlineonl*ine onlyo*nly. OfferOffer expiresexp*iɜres 10/16/2024. Payment must bebe madema(ɪ)de directlydirectly with the merchantmerchant. OfferOffer notnot valid onon purchasespurchases madema(ɪ)de usingyusing third-partythird-party servicesservices, deliverydelivery servicesservices, oror a thirdthird partyparty payment accountaccount (ee.ggi., buy now pay laterla(ɪ)ter). Payment must bebe madema(ɪ)de onon oror beforebefore 10/16/2024. |
Jan 04, 2025 |
Chase |