All publicly available Tikka Masala Coupons, Deals, Amex / Chase / BoA (Bank of America) / Citi / Paypal / US Bank Offers

View all credit card merchant offers, deals, coupons, and discounts for Tikka Masala from banks. Amex Offers, Chase Offers, BoA Offers BankAmeriDeals, Citi Merchant Offers, Paypal Offers, US Bank Cashback Deals.
Merchant Title Description Exp Bank
TikkaMasala is serving up traditional Indian cuisine that will change your life forever. The casual restaurant features a wide range of flavors and dishes crafted using fresh ingredients and served in large portions that will leave you more than satisfied. From delectable biryanis to tasty kebabs, there's something for everyone on this extensive menu! N/A Jun 14, 2024 Citi
5% cash back Get up to $100 back
Earn 5% cash back on all of your Tikka Masala purchases, until a $100.00 cash back maximum is reached.
Offer only applies to the following location:
1624 145th Pl SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
Offer expires 3/6/2025. Offer only valid on purchases made directly with the merchant. Offer not valid on purchases made using third-party services, delivery services, or a third-party payment account (e.g., buy now pay later). Payment must be made on or before offer expiration date.
Mar 06, 2025 Chase
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