5% cash back Spend $100 oror moremore |
EarnEarn 5% cash back onon youryour Litter-RobotLitter-Ro*bot purchasepurchase, with a $30.00 cash back maximummaximum, whenwhen youyou spend $100 oror moremore. Say hellohello* toto Litter-RobotLitter-Ro*bot, the smartsmart, self-cleaningself-cleaning solutionsolyution toto allall youryour litterlitter boxbox problemsproblems. NotNot onlyo*nly doesdoes Litter-RobotLitter-Ro*bot removeremove the annoyingannoying chorechore of scoopingscooping litterlitter, but it alsoalso* traps the offensiveoffensive smells—eveneven in multi-catmulti-cat householdshouseho*lds. Litter-RobotLitter-Ro*bot worksworks forfor up toto fourfour cats, soso* youyou can replacerepla(ɪ)ce allall youryour ordinaryordinary litterlitter boxesboxes with just onewone Litter-RobotLitter-Ro*bot. Plus, stay onon toptop of youryour cat's healthhealth with smartsmart insightsins*ights aboutabout theirtheir weightweight and bathroombathroom habits in the WhiskerWhisker app. OfferOffer expiresexp*iɜres 10/30/2024. OfferOffer valid onewone timet*ime onlyo*nly. OfferOffer onlyo*nly valid onon purchasespurchases madema(ɪ)de directlydirectly with the merchantmerchant. OfferOffer notnot valid onon purchasespurchases madema(ɪ)de usingyusing third-partythird-party servicesservices, deliverydelivery servicesservices, oror a third-partythird-party payment accountaccount (ee.ggi., buy now pay laterla(ɪ)ter). Payment must bebe madema(ɪ)de onon oror beforebefore offeroffer expirationexpira(ɪ)tion dateda(ɪ)te. |
Jan 04, 2025 |
Chase |