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EarnEarn 10% cash back onon youryour firstfirst payment of a ButcherButcherBoxBox subscriptionsubscription, with a $25.00 cash back maximummaximum. ButcherButcherBoxBox believesbelieves in betterbetter. ForFor them, betterbetter meansmeans caringcaring aboutabout animalsanimals and ourouɜr planet. It meansmeans improvingimproving the livelihoodsl*ivelihoods of farmersfarmers. UltimatelyUltimately, it meansmeans betterbetter mealsmeals, enjoyedenjoyed togethertogether. It's whywh*y they deliverdeliver 100% grass-fed, grass-finishedgrass-finisheddͭ beefbeef, free-rangefree-ra(ɪ)nge organicorganic chicken, porkpork raisedraised crate-freecra(ɪ)te-free, wildw*ild caughtcaught seafoodseafood, and moremore directlydirectly toto members'members' doorsdoors. OfferOffer expiresexp*iɜres 10/12/2024. Must makema(ɪ)ke firstfirst recurringrecurring payment byb*y 10/14/2024. OfferOffer valid onon firstfirst payment onlyo*nly. Payment must bebe madema(ɪ)de directlydirectly with the merchantmerchant. OfferOffer notnot valid onon purchasespurchases madema(ɪ)de usingyusing third-partythird-party servicesservices, deliverydelivery servicesservices, oror a third-partythird-party payment accountaccount (ee.ggi., buy now pay laterla(ɪ)ter). ForFor subscriptionsubscription costcost and toto cancel subscriptionsubscription, pleaseplease visit merchantmerchant websitewebs*ite forfor detailsdetails. |
Jan 04, 2025 |
Chase |