All publicly available Taco Veloz Coupons, Deals, Amex / Chase / BoA (Bank of America) / Citi / Paypal / US Bank Offers

View all credit card merchant offers, deals, coupons, and discounts for Taco Veloz from banks. Amex Offers, Chase Offers, BoA Offers BankAmeriDeals, Citi Merchant Offers, Paypal Offers, US Bank Cashback Deals.
Merchant Title Description Exp Bank
5% cash back Get up to $100 back
Earn 5% cash back on all of your Taco Veloz purchases, until a $100.00 cash back maximum is reached.
Offer only applies to the following location:
3245 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd
Chamblee, GA 30341
Offer expires 9/30/2024. Offer only valid on purchases made directly with the merchant. Offer not valid on purchases made using third-party services, delivery services, or a third-party payment account (e.g., buy now pay later). Payment must be made on or before offer expiration date.
Sep 30, 2024 Chase
El Taco Veloz was founded in 1991 on a foundation of strong gastronomic knowledge acquired from years of experience. From the beginning, El Taco Veloz decided to only utilize the highest quality ingredients in creating their tasty, delicious and authentic creations. The passion of the staff of El Taco Veloz assures that the quality of food and service will never be compromised and will always be at the highest level possible. Tacos and burritos - made with hefty fillings and perfectly grilled flour tortillas - are the backbone of the menu. Plenty else is offered including nachos, quesadillas, tortas, platillos and mariscos. Thick and crunchy tortilla chips compliment the dishes, and many patrons recommend finishing with the arroz con leche, a simple rice pudding sprinkled with cinnamon and raisins. The modest beginnings of El Taco Veloz have helped it blossom into one of the leaders in fast, casual and delicious Mexican cuisine. N/A Oct 01, 2024 Citi
5% cash back Get up to $100 back
Earn 5% cash back on all of your Taco Veloz purchases, until a $100.00 cash back maximum is reached.
Offer only applies to the following location:
5084 Buford Hwy
Doraville, GA 30340
Offer expires 12/22/2024. Offer only valid on purchases made directly with the merchant. Offer not valid on purchases made using third-party services, delivery services, or a third-party payment account (e.g., buy now pay later). Payment must be made on or before offer expiration date.
Dec 22, 2024 Chase
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