Merchant | Title | Description | Exp | Bank |
$50 cash back Spend $250 or more | Earn $50 cash back on your Parcelle Wine purchase when you spend $250 or more, including taxes and after any discounts. Parcelle is an online wine shop founded by sommeliers, delivering you wines found on the best restaurant lists to your home at a fraction of the price. Find rare collectibles to everyday drinking wines to stock the fridge with weekly. Offer expires 11/8/2024. Offer valid one time only. Offer only valid on purchases made directly with the merchant. Offer valid online only at Offer not valid on purchases made using third-party services, delivery services, or a third-party payment account (e.g., buy now pay later). Payment must be made on or before 11/8/2024. Offer not valid in NY. |
Nov 08, 2024 | Chase | |
$30 cash back Spend $150 or more | Earn $30 cash back on your Parcelle Wine purchase when you spend $150 or more, including taxes and after any discounts. Parcelle is an online wine shop founded by sommeliers, delivering you wines found on the best restaurant lists to your home at a fraction of the price. Find rare collectibles to everyday drinking wines to stock the fridge with weekly. Offer expires 11/8/2024. Offer valid one time only. Offer only valid on purchases made directly with the merchant. Offer valid online only at Offer not valid on purchases made using third-party services, delivery services, or a third-party payment account (e.g., buy now pay later). Payment must be made on or before 11/8/2024. Offer only valid in NY. |
Nov 08, 2024 | Chase |