Earn 10% on your Fanatics purchase, or earn 20% when you spend $70 or more, with a $22 maximum.
Fanatics isn't just our name. It's who we are—loyal, passionate fans, dedicated to our favorite teams and to the sports we love. That's why we're honored to be able to offer fans the world's largest collection of authentic, officially licensed fan gear from all the leagues, teams and players you love.
Offer expires 12/17/2024. Offer valid one time only. Offer only valid on purchases made directly with the merchant. Rewards cannot be combined. Customer is only eligible for 10% or 20% reward. Offer not valid on purchases from Fan's Edge, MLBshop.com, NFLshop.com, shop.NHL.com, store.NASCAR.com, store.NBA.com, or any other Fanatics Experience sites. Offer not valid on purchases made using third-party services, delivery services, or a third-party payment account (e.g., buy now pay later). Payment must be made on or before offer expiration date.